Allan James addresses NMI Techworks

Established over 25 years ago to support semiconductor manufacturing companies and suppliers, the NMI continues to grow in numbers and are still one of the longest standing organisations representing the semiconductor industry in the UK.

Following the challenging two years we have all faced, the industry has been resilient while navigating and adapting to a new way of thinking and working. We have improved products and services and developed new technologies to cope with ever increasing demands while addressing societal challenges to maintain and create advanced and sustainable economies.

The NMI Conference heard from industry leaders, including Allan James, Managing Director of Semefab, on the changes and improvements implemented over this period to enable sustainability and growth within organizations.

In an online video address, Allan gave a brief introduction to Semefab, the challenges of competing in this new economic environment and Semefab's expansion plans for the future.

You can watch the video on the Semefab You Tube Channel by clicking the link below.

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